Saturday 29 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 6 Halloween Week

Ok I will fess up that I am not a huge fan of Halloween outside of Strictly so it's never my favourite week on the show. That being said I have to admit that the hair and makeup team do a fantastic job on this and I applaud their efforts but I often feel it can overtake the actual dancing on the show.

Louise & Kevin - Charleston

I thought this had a lot of Jive elements to it and I hated the song choice. Louise was very animated in this routine but I didn't think it was outstanding although I liked the comic strip theming running throughout it. I did think her shoes looked difficult to dance in. The music choice spoilt this a little for me 

Judge Julie says - 8

Judge Rinder & Oksana - Paso Doble

Another terrible VT with the silly fake butterflies. Does anyone enjoy watching these? This was the first time we had seen him do a more serious theme and he was channeling his inner butch! It wasn't a bad Paso in general and the guy can really dance. I didn't really buy into the whole butterfly/moth theme but I am developing rather a soft spot for Judge Rinder

Judge Julie says - 8

Claudia & AJ - American Smooth

Very very tidy footwork from Clauda, she has mastered the heel turn and has had consistently good technique in the ballroom. Best so far for me of the night and I liked that their dance wasn't overtaken by the Halloween week.

Judge Julie says - 9

Anastacia & Brendan - Jive

Kudos to Brendan for controlling the Swegway on live TV, he nailed it. Very heavy footed and needed a lot more bounce and higher knees in the back steps. She also need to flick more from the knee (I wrote that down and then Len said it!). 10/10 for effort but not as good as her Quickstep last week. Could be her last dance?

Judge Julie says - 6

Danny & Oti - Foxtrot

Again another terrible VT. The golden boy had a bad week this week and his little stumble knocked his confidence and he lost his nerve. I noticed that he also seemed to be wearing latin shoes (higher cuban style heel) and I wonder why? They took a risk with this dance and although I loved the theme the risk didn't quite pay off!

Judge Julie says - 7

Laura & Giovanni - Tango

Her best dance. Was sharp and aggressive and a great comeback after the disappointment of last week. She did well to dance again this week as her ankle was clearly still bad as she danced in a more  supportive practise style shoe.

Judge Julie says - 8

Ore & Joanne - Charleston

Ore struggled getting his lollipop into his trousers at the beginning and I think it panicked him slightly. From seeing his training on It Takes Two it was clear he was struggling with the swivel action and we all know Craig is obsessed by this. The music and theme didn't work for me and his lift was a disaster but he is a consistent performer and is still a contender in my opinion.

Judge Julie says - 8

Greg & Natalie - Rumba

A good song with a theme that matched, makes such a different. Greg had worked on turning his feet out which was clear to see. although he was wearing ballroom shoes and not latin! Had he swapped with Danny? There wasn't a huge amount of Rumba in this routine and there were a heck of a lot of pivots in it. A very atmospheric routine and Greg should be proud of how far he has come on.

Judge Julie says - 7

Daisy & Alijaz - Paso Doble

Again a good theme, music and costume that all worked together. Daisy's arms were lazy at times but she had great attack and it was very nicely performed. I have rather a soft spot for Alijaz so I do hope they aren't in the bottom 2 again this week

Judge Julie says - 8

Ed & Katya - Cha Cha Cha

When someone is left to dance last you know its going to be a showstopper and this was totally that. Maybe not quite for the usual reasons but I cannot deny how entertaining this routine was. Ed was considered the "duffer" of the pack this year but in my opinion he has learned his dances well and hasn't made mistakes (apart from nearly dropping Katya last week which I thought was unlucky) and he was on time with the music tonight. He was so camp and his hips were going wild, I really enjoyed this but I think it is time he went, would be good to go out on his best dance

Judge Julie says - 7

Overall I think the quality of the dancing was lower this week and there were some strange music and theme choices. Roll on next week when we are back to normal.

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Claudia's American Smooth dress
PROP OF THE WEEK - Ore's Lollipop!
SONG OF THE WEEK - Bring me to Life - Greg and Natalie's Rumba 

Sunday 23 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 5

Once again I couldn't watch the show live last night as I was out at a cricket presentation night with my family, so it was a late night viewing with a blog catch up this afternoon.

Another eventful week this week commencing with the poorly Brendan being unable to practise and perform on the show with Anastacia. Step in the man of the moment, Gorka the Corker who was the new Brendan for this week. If that wasn't eventful enough, we then have poor Laura who has injured her ankle in training and was unable to perform the Jive this week so she has secured a "bye" into next weeks show as per the rules of the program. I must admit to feeling very sorry for Giovanni who didn't get to perform his favourite dance. 

Judge Rinder & Oksana - Jive

Dressed like a cross between Action Man and Ken (Barbie's boyfriend) Judge Rinder opened the show with a camptastic Jive. It was a little heavy in places, a touch frenzied and occasionally he looked like a camouflage clad kangaroo but as always I enjoyed his performance. He needs to flick from the knee more.

Judge Julie says - 7

Lesley & Anton - Tango

Not sure I enjoyed Lesley's climb over the table towards Anton and I found his trousers to be very distracting. To me this felt very pedestrian and I could see she was thinking of which step was next, there wasn't as much performance from Lesley this week. She was very skippy in places and wasn't down in the knees enough. Could be bottom 2 for Lesley this week.

Judge Julie says - 6

Greg & Natalie - Cha Cha Cha

Greg was unfortunately like a rabbit in the headlights this week and he look very awkward and out of his depth. There were no hips and it was his worst dance by far. I know he has zero dance experience but I would like to see him try and walk like a dancer when he comes forward to do his steps rather than walking like he is shopping in Asda. I really felt sorry for him this week and do hope he doesn't go out on his worst dance.

Judge Julie says - 5

Anastacia & Gorka - Quickstep

I LOVE this partnership, Anastacia looked like a new woman this week. I would have liked a bit more in hold as it felt like an American Smooth to me but I loved the timed pendulums near the judges. Her best dance.

Judge Julie says - 7 but leaning towards an 8

Louise & Kevin - Rumba

As the judges said Louise is consistent. You can rely on her to come up with the goods every week. She did look down a lot in this number and it was a lovely routine but it wasn't a showstopper.

Judge Julie says - 8

Ed & Katya - American Smooth

I was enjoying the Foxtrot element of this routine but my heart was in my mouth when he almost dropped Katya, was definitely a gasp moment. I loved the energy and the nod to the Amarillo video with the cheeky marching 

Judge Julie says - 5

Ore & Joanne - Waltz

Waltzing to Whitney for the second time this series and what an enjoyable routine it was. I am now quite tough when it comes to commenting on Ore as he is very good. It was a little rough in parts but was generally an excellent Waltz. He needed more drive and his shoulders needed sorting out at times. His head seemed to be all over the place too.

Judge Julie says - 8

Daisy & Alijaz - Charleston 

I applaude Daisy and Alijaz for doing something different with their Charleston and I really enjoyed watching it. She had good swivel and gave a great performance, again like Louise she is very consistent and she is growing on me.

Judge Julie says - 8

Danny & Oti - Rumba

I was mesmerised by this performance and I didn't write one note in my book whilst watching the dance. Swit swoo! Danny was looking hot to trot in his latin get up and he had hips to die for and excellent pressure on the floor. Is there any dance this guy cannot do? Lucky Oti!

Judge Julie says - 9

Claudia & AJ - Samba

Poor Claudia! This routine was just far too fast and her little legs could not keep up with the speed of this. She has the talent but this routine was fast even for the pros. She couldn't finish the moves off properly because of the speed of the track. She is a very capable dancer but I would have loved to have seen this number slowed down.

Judge Julie says - 8

I enjoyed tonight's show, looking forward to Halloween week next week.

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Joanne's gorgeous pale blue Waltz dress
PROP OF THE WEEK - Ed's rucksack before they slung it I 
SONG OF THE WEEK - I will always love you - Ore & Joanne's Waltz

Sunday 16 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 4

A little later posting from me today as I didn't watch the show live last night as I was out cavorting at a Quiz Night with some of my fellow Made in Dagenham friends. The opening of the show seemed a lot shorter this week with 2 couples departing last week and I missed seeing Will and Tameka on the stairs. 

Greg & Natalie - Salsa

Greg had been working overtime in the Shimmy Shack this week perfecting the upstairs department but the downstairs needed a little bit more attention. His steps were rather large and he was often flat footed but I do love his effort as a complete novice. I can't not mention the lifts he executed, even though Natalie seemed to struggle coming out of one of them.

Judge Julie says - 7

Laura & Giovanni - Quickstep

This routine started "backstage" and reminded me a little of how the routines on Dancing with the Stars (the US Strictly) often start as Laura and Giovanni powdered their noses. I didn't like Laura's hold and topline, it looked awkward. The routine was frenzied as the music was fast and I felt though that there wasn't enough coverage of the floor. Often overmarked by Bruno, for me it wasn't as amazing as it was marked

Judge Julie says - 7

Anastacia & Brendan - Rumba

The first Rumba of the series and I have to say the music, styling, staging and theme of it were on point, loved the photographs projected onto the floor. This wasn't as bad as I expected it to be but it wasn't good. She executed some nice lines but needed more pressure on the floor. Could be in danger this week.

Judge Julie says - 6

Claudia & AJ - Foxtrot

The first Foxtrot (or Foxy as I like to call it) of the series. Foxtrot is my nemesis, it's so hard and this routine was not helped by the horrible music choice. I am a bit of an old fashioned girl when it comes to Foxtrot music. Lovely footwork from Claudia, including a nice heel turn and she travelled very well to say she is so short. The song choice spoilt this for me.

Judge Julie says - 8

Ed & Katya - Paso Doble

A terrible VT to go with a terrible dance that was riddled with mistakes throughout. I like Ed and I like his enthusiasm but this was his worst performance of the series. Very camp and out of control.

Judge Julie says - 4

Naga & Pasha - Charleston 

Not sure I am a fan of the blue wig but have to say Naga at least had some personality in this dance and it was her best dance. Pasha has a reputation for choreographing a good Charleston and this was stronger than her other performances. I especially like the work with the trident. Her best dance but she could be in the bottom two this week.

Judge Julie says - 6

Louise & Kevin - Foxtrot

This song threw me as it was last used as a Cha Cha Cha by Lisa Snowdon back in series 6, one of the highest scoring CCC's I believe and it's always strange to see the same song used for a different dance. I loved the side by side rondes going backwards and Louise always appears confident and polished as a performer. I actually thought her footwork could have been a lot better and Claudia out did her on the technique, but this was a better overall routine because of a better theme/song.

Judge Julie says - 8

Danny & Oti - Quickstep

This is my favourite ballroom dance and Danny was just a total dreamboat. He had swing and sway and was leading Oti around the floor. He oozed confidence and this dance, for me, was on par with Harry Judd's from Series 9, which is probably my all time fave QS. You could not tell who the pro was in this routine.

Judge Julie says - tempted to go 10 but it's only Week 4 so 9

Daisy & Alijaz - Rumba

I love this song but felt it was a little too fast and the circle of lights was putting me off a bit. She had nice opening outs but I felt it was a little regimented however, I am in awe of her long limbs and how she keeps them under control. I very much enjoyed watching Alijaz and his hips in this routine though!!

Judge Julie says - 7

Judge Rinder & Oksana - Viennese Waltz

He is light on his feet and he can dance. He needs more confidence in himself. It was a little bit skippy and he tripped over his own feet at one point. I want to see him do a serious routine now though with a serious theme.

Judge Julie says - 7

Lesley & Anton - Charleston

I LOVE LESLEY. I didn't want to love Lesley at the start of the show but I cannot help myself. She looked amazing and had the time of her life out there. She did look at the floor a heck of a lot but executed every step. Anton's choreography has improved tenfold this year and I am wondering if he has had some assistance? I hope I can dance like that at 51 let alone 71!

Judge Julie says - 8

Ore & Joanne - Jive

Jive is a favourite of mine and this one had high expectations as the last dance of the show often does. Ore knows how to work the cameras and the cheeky raised eyebrow down the camera are perfected in this routine. It was sharp and seamless and I loved the guitar move. Amazing attack throughout the dance and his best dance by far. I do recall that on week 1 I said he was my contender for the final and this dance proved that to me.

Judge Julie says - like Danny I was tempted to go 10 but I will say 9

And so I survived the first week of Strictly without Mr Young.

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Oti's gorgeous Quickstep dress
PROP OF THE WEEK - AJ's iPhone which he managed to remember to take off the top of the lockers once he had taken his selfie at the beginning of the routine
SONG OF THE WEEK - The way we were - Anastacia and Brendan Rumba

Thursday 13 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Interim post

Well I didn't think I would be writing a post in the middle of the week but what a series of events we have had this week.

I was just getting over Tameka's shock exit. Yes I voted  (3 times) and yes I believe she shouldn't have been in the bottom two and I think Darcy was correct in saving her. Tango is very technical compared to Salsa which isn't really technical. Laura's dance was, in my opinion, a little bit chaotic in places. Anyway, farewell Tameka - I will miss you and you energy and attack to each dance style.

So I was at my Tuesday Craft Club event and a message came through on WhatsApp to say that Will Young had quit Strictly! I couldn't believe it! For 8 years I have wanted Will to be on Strictly and I was in Strictly heaven and then 3 weeks later, boom, he has left. Of course there is speculation, was it Len's outburst that tipped him over the edge, I would like to think not. I think there are underlying issues. You could tell from Will's body language in the results show just how hard he was finding the process and I am left to wonder if it was just too much for him. Previous reports have said he has battled with depression and anxiety, and whilst I am really gutted he has left, at the end of the day (and I can't believe I am saying this), it's just a TV show and nothing is as important as your health, especially mental health. 

So farewell Mr Young. I do believe you have been under marked in every dance and had a high expectation placed on your shoulders. I hope you come back for the final group dance on the last show.

Julie x

Sunday 9 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 3

Oh I LOVE Movie week and what better to open the show than with a tribute to the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein Movie Musicals. When I was 18 my friends from school all clubbed together and bought me them on video! I still have them, cannot bear to part with them! Loved Natalie opening the show as Maria from the Sound of Music but I was slightly perturbed to find her in the arms of Billy Biggelow (aka a butch looking Will Young) at the end of the number, did she ditch Captain Von Trapp? The highlight had to be a beautiful bald Brendan as the King from the King and I with Daisy Lowe looking stunning as Anna. Fabulous opener for always a highly anticipated week of Strictly.

This week I have been joined by a guest judging panel at Chez Kettlewell in the form of some of my fellow Made in Dagenham performers, from left to right Josie (Sandra), Jordan (Rita) and Steph (Cass) who kept me company last night after a production photo shoot.

Daisy & Alijaz - Quickstep

I make no secret of the fact that Quickstep is my favourite ballroom dance, coupled with a theme week and I am in Strictly heaven. Daisy was (practically) perfect as Mary Poppins and the routine was full of character with a great energy as well as excellent technique. They covered the floor well, just could improve shaping on her hand in hold a little. 

Judge Julie says - 8

Anastacia & Brendan - Viennese Waltz

Anastacia was bound to be a little cautious this week and I felt her routine was very careful, which is understandable. I love this song for a VW, last used by Kimberley and Pasha in Series 10. Both of them were on point with their outfits and make up, excellent job by the production team. The routine was a little skippy and she was clinging on a bit but it was simple and elegant and pitched at the right level.

Judge Julie says - 6

Danny & Oti - Paso Doble

There was lots of excitement from Chez Kettlewell when Danny appeared in his velvet trousers, leather strapping and a mask! Excellent Spanish lines and shaping and packed with testosterone. He was very assertive whilst executing great technique.

Judge Julie says - 9

Lesley & Anton -  Quickstep

Firstly I applaude Lesley Joseph but I do wish they would stop reminding the whole nation that she is 70, age is just a number. They have a big height difference and it came in to play during this routine but she covered the floor amazingly well after a slight faux pas near the beginning of the routine. Lots of gapping but excellent characterisation and it wasn't an easy routine.

Judge Julie says - 7

Will & Karen - Salsa

I am going to put it out there. I think Will is under marked and the judges are very harsh with him. This routine was perfect for the music and contained enough Salsa, but it clearly wasn't a Salsa song so Karen had to go with the Bollywood theme. I feel Len has it in for Will. His energy level never dropped and he matched Karen in the execution, delivering an excellent performance of a very fast paced routine. 

Judge Julie says - 8 (but would like an 8.5)

Naga & Pasha - Tango

Rocking the catsuit tonight but I felt so anxious for both her and Pasha with the obvious struggle to get out of the harness. Just drop the silly entrances, they should never jeopardise the routine. She wasn't down into her knees enough and it felt a little like she was going through the motions but I do feel the stress of the harness couldn't have helped. She needs to believe in herself a little more.

Judge Julie says - 6

Judge Rinder & Oksana - Charleston

This routine was FAST with a capital F which often made it look messy in places but he had the required swivel and perfect characterisation. A lot of fun for Movie Night week. Looking forward to seeing him doing something a little more serious now.

Judge Julie says - 7

Ore & Joanne - American Smooth

I have had Ore tipped as a contender from the start and he was on fire tonight. Very light and bright and we loved his little head wobbles, facial expressions and the working of the studio cameras.  Understated, pitched at the right level and very well executed with excellent choreo from Joanne. Oscar performance Ore!

Judge Julie says - 9

Laura & Giovanni - Salsa

This felt a little fast and furious for me and the lifts were laboured. Laura is clearly very competent but for me there is something missing. She is a quarter final contender but I am not sure I can see her going much further. 

Judge Julie says - 7

Greg & Natalie - American Smooth

My sweepstake couple and I just LOVE how much Natalie gets emotionally involved with Greg's success, clearly as proud as punch of him and not just a job for her. Lovely lifts and fantastic emotion and a great theme. For me his bottom was still a little bit stuck out but it's great to see how well he is doing as truly a non-dancer.

Judge Julie says - 8

Claudia & AJ - Charleston

This danced suited them so well and Claudia looked like she had come straight from the film set of Bugsy Malone. It was fast and frantic and a vehicle for some tricks and flicks from Claudia. Overall an excellent performance from both of them.

Judge Julie says - 9

Tameka & Gorka - Tango

 I knew this would be a hard week for Tameka and she struggled with the posture in her first ballroom dance of the series. She needed to be down in her knees more and to be up in her neck more but there was a LOT of content and she doesn't make mistakes, a solid performance with lovely Gorka in uniform! 

Judge Julie says - 7

Ed & Katya - Samba

The first Samba of the series and poor Ed was the unlucky one to get it. Notoriously difficult to execute with all its different rhythms and the required "bounce". It wasn't as good as last weeks dance but it is a harder dance style and he kept up and performed and looked like he was really enjoying himself. 

Judge Julie says - 6

Louise & Kevin - Cha Cha Cha

A CCC is often the first latin dance you would be taught at a class and whilst the basics are easy to pick up, the technique is so tough to master. Remember the fate of Pixie Lott 2 years ago, she was the victim of the CCC! I was looking forward to this all night as I love this song for a CCC and Louise was great although it wasn't her best. She needed more pressure in the floor which would have helped with her hip action but I loved her look and the end pose was awesome. A hard dance but she sold it as best she could

Judge Julie says - 8

And that was the end of a fantastic Movie Week for series 14

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Anastasia's Twilight Dress
PROP OF THE WEEK - Claudia's Custard Pie
SONG OF THE WEEK  - Flashdance : What a Feeling - Louise & Kevin's Cha Cha Cha

Saturday 1 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 2

So the eagerly anticipated Week 2 is upon us and after a full week of It Takes Two I was looking forward to see tonight's dances. One thing that strikes me this year is that there is no real "duffer" in the pack, with no one scoring under 20 last week. I must consult my archives to see if that's a record!

Ore & Joanne - Cha Cha Cha

As soon as I heard the word fireman there just had to be a cheesy VT in the fire station, which I have to say I fast forwarded through as I was on catch up. This was fast and well executed but he needed much more in the hip department. I think Ore excels at "selling" the routine into the camera and knows how to perform, probably due to the day job! A good opener, not quite hot stuff but very warm!

Judge Julie says - 7

Claudia & AJ - Waltz

When I saw these little cuties walk down the stairs I immediately thought that Claudia's dress looked very similar to one worn by Frankie Bridge 2 years ago!
A lot of "faffing" about but it was a lovely choreographed routine with a nice heel turn from Claudia and very well controlled performance. Really appreciated how well she did with such a big difference in height which is so hard in ballroom. Loved the song, it's the 4th time it has been used for a Waltz!

Judge Julie says - 8

Will & Karen - Jive

I had been looking forward to this all week and I jigged about all the way through the routine whilst sat on the sofa. It was more of a rock and roll style to fit with the music and I felt that Will nailed the character and the style of the dance. Very disappointing that he did the wrong bit on the side by side and had to repeat it again to keep in line with Karen, but that's a pro performer for you, he didn't make it obvious and it didn't affect the quality of the routine too much. Could have had more bounce.

Judge Julie says - 7

Lesley & Anton - Cha Cha Cha

Wow Anton had the comedy trousers this week. Lesley tends to look down a lot and it was very skippy in parts however I do feel Anton's choreography has improved a lot. I am not a fan of Anton's latin but it was much better than the routine he choreographed for Katie last year and when I checked my archives I have seen that they scored 6 points more than Katie!

Judge Julie says - 6

Greg & Natalie - Tango

This routine was packed with Tango but I shouted at the TV straight away that his bottom was stuck out. He was a little stompy in parts but it had loads of content, no messing about and he had lovely pivots. He seems a really lovely guy, keen to learn and zero dance experience.

Judge Julie says - 6 (but was nearly a 7)

Tameka & Gorka - Charleston

The first Charleston of the series and it did not disappoint. Loved the whole seaside theme and Tamekas outfit was perfect. She owned this dance and kept up perfectly with the exception of the dodgy going through Gorka's legs! I loved it!
Comment of the night has to be Claudia asking Tameka "how she fits everything in". Presume she was asking about Tameka's time management but couldn't help laugh that she asked her this as Tameka was adjusting her bosom in her frock!

Judge Julie says - 8

Laura & Giovanni - Waltz

For me Laura is a very reliable dancer. You can rely on her to do a solid routine but she doesn't blow me away. Great technique with a nice double reverse spin. Too much romance and mushy stuff in the middle but I suppose it was part of the story telling. 

Judge Julie says - 8

Melvin & Janette - Tango

How cute did Melvin look in his little tango suit? He has a lovely smiley faec and he makes me smile but his routine was all a bit placed and a little bit skippy. I think he could be in real danger of leaving early on.

Judge Julie says - 6

Louise & Kevin - Viennese Waltz

Lovely balletic movement at the beginning with gorgeous arm-ography. Lovely flow to the routine and very well executed. Louise's frame dropped a little towards the end of the routine but this could have been fatigue related. Very consistent in both ballroom and latin a contender for the final

Judge Julie says - 8 

Anastacia & Brendan - Salsa

What a shame about her injury and I admire her for coping with a change in choreography so late in the day. It felt a little cumbersome at the beginning and was Brendan wearing a jacket to match Anton's trousers??? I actually laughed out loud at the end of the routine when Anastacia went to strike her air guitar pose and then realised it looked liked she was scratching her "lady area" and promptly moved her hands up! Classic!

Judge Julie says - 6

Ed & Katya - Charleston

So everyone (including myself) thought that Ed would be a complete duffer but I have to say he did so much better than a lot of the british public expected! I think it was the hipster style jeans that transformed him this week, what a difference. Great facial expressions too, well done Ed!

Judge Julie says - 6

Naga & Pasha - Cha Cha Cha

Wow what a difference Naga's wig made, she looked the bomb tonight! Unfortunately her routine was very pedestrian and her technique was lacking. No hips or pressure on the floor. Lovely lady but I fear she is another contender to leave early on.

Judge Julie says - 5

Judge Rinder & Oksana - American Smooth

I loved the theme of this and think that him playing the prom geek camouflaged his facial expressions and almost justified them this week. The lifts were amazing and I loved the Piggy Back lift at the beginning, very ambitious. Quite flat footed but he has natural talent.

Judge Julie says - 7

Daisy & Alijaz - Cha Cha Cha

I must admit I was worried about how Daisy would control those long limbs on a Cha Cha Cha as they are very exposed. She did a solid routine but again I wasn't wow-ed by it, technique was OK. Lucky lady on the front row who got a milkshake and a kiss from the lovely Alijaz! 

Judge Julie says - 7

Danny & Oti - Viennese Waltz

Ding Dong! What a great routine and story line which I totally bought into. Danny reminds me of a younger Adam Garcia and he ticked lots of boxes tonight. Nice frame and very confident in his performance. These two should go all the way

Judge Julie says - 8 (but was tempted to give 9)

And there goes my little opinions on tonights show.
Who will leave the ballroom tonight (or tomorrow like we are supposed to believe)

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Natalie Lowe's Emerald number
PROP OF THE WEEK - Tameka's Rubber Ring
SONG OF THE WEEK - You Light Up My Life - Claudia & AJ's Waltz