Sunday 23 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 5

Once again I couldn't watch the show live last night as I was out at a cricket presentation night with my family, so it was a late night viewing with a blog catch up this afternoon.

Another eventful week this week commencing with the poorly Brendan being unable to practise and perform on the show with Anastacia. Step in the man of the moment, Gorka the Corker who was the new Brendan for this week. If that wasn't eventful enough, we then have poor Laura who has injured her ankle in training and was unable to perform the Jive this week so she has secured a "bye" into next weeks show as per the rules of the program. I must admit to feeling very sorry for Giovanni who didn't get to perform his favourite dance. 

Judge Rinder & Oksana - Jive

Dressed like a cross between Action Man and Ken (Barbie's boyfriend) Judge Rinder opened the show with a camptastic Jive. It was a little heavy in places, a touch frenzied and occasionally he looked like a camouflage clad kangaroo but as always I enjoyed his performance. He needs to flick from the knee more.

Judge Julie says - 7

Lesley & Anton - Tango

Not sure I enjoyed Lesley's climb over the table towards Anton and I found his trousers to be very distracting. To me this felt very pedestrian and I could see she was thinking of which step was next, there wasn't as much performance from Lesley this week. She was very skippy in places and wasn't down in the knees enough. Could be bottom 2 for Lesley this week.

Judge Julie says - 6

Greg & Natalie - Cha Cha Cha

Greg was unfortunately like a rabbit in the headlights this week and he look very awkward and out of his depth. There were no hips and it was his worst dance by far. I know he has zero dance experience but I would like to see him try and walk like a dancer when he comes forward to do his steps rather than walking like he is shopping in Asda. I really felt sorry for him this week and do hope he doesn't go out on his worst dance.

Judge Julie says - 5

Anastacia & Gorka - Quickstep

I LOVE this partnership, Anastacia looked like a new woman this week. I would have liked a bit more in hold as it felt like an American Smooth to me but I loved the timed pendulums near the judges. Her best dance.

Judge Julie says - 7 but leaning towards an 8

Louise & Kevin - Rumba

As the judges said Louise is consistent. You can rely on her to come up with the goods every week. She did look down a lot in this number and it was a lovely routine but it wasn't a showstopper.

Judge Julie says - 8

Ed & Katya - American Smooth

I was enjoying the Foxtrot element of this routine but my heart was in my mouth when he almost dropped Katya, was definitely a gasp moment. I loved the energy and the nod to the Amarillo video with the cheeky marching 

Judge Julie says - 5

Ore & Joanne - Waltz

Waltzing to Whitney for the second time this series and what an enjoyable routine it was. I am now quite tough when it comes to commenting on Ore as he is very good. It was a little rough in parts but was generally an excellent Waltz. He needed more drive and his shoulders needed sorting out at times. His head seemed to be all over the place too.

Judge Julie says - 8

Daisy & Alijaz - Charleston 

I applaude Daisy and Alijaz for doing something different with their Charleston and I really enjoyed watching it. She had good swivel and gave a great performance, again like Louise she is very consistent and she is growing on me.

Judge Julie says - 8

Danny & Oti - Rumba

I was mesmerised by this performance and I didn't write one note in my book whilst watching the dance. Swit swoo! Danny was looking hot to trot in his latin get up and he had hips to die for and excellent pressure on the floor. Is there any dance this guy cannot do? Lucky Oti!

Judge Julie says - 9

Claudia & AJ - Samba

Poor Claudia! This routine was just far too fast and her little legs could not keep up with the speed of this. She has the talent but this routine was fast even for the pros. She couldn't finish the moves off properly because of the speed of the track. She is a very capable dancer but I would have loved to have seen this number slowed down.

Judge Julie says - 8

I enjoyed tonight's show, looking forward to Halloween week next week.

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Joanne's gorgeous pale blue Waltz dress
PROP OF THE WEEK - Ed's rucksack before they slung it I 
SONG OF THE WEEK - I will always love you - Ore & Joanne's Waltz


  1. I love your blog! All your comments are fab u lous! It's great to have our very own fourth judge...keep it up Julie xx

  2. I love your blog! All your comments are fab u lous! It's great to have our very own fourth judge...keep it up Julie xx
