Sunday 9 October 2016

Class of 2016 - Week 3

Oh I LOVE Movie week and what better to open the show than with a tribute to the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein Movie Musicals. When I was 18 my friends from school all clubbed together and bought me them on video! I still have them, cannot bear to part with them! Loved Natalie opening the show as Maria from the Sound of Music but I was slightly perturbed to find her in the arms of Billy Biggelow (aka a butch looking Will Young) at the end of the number, did she ditch Captain Von Trapp? The highlight had to be a beautiful bald Brendan as the King from the King and I with Daisy Lowe looking stunning as Anna. Fabulous opener for always a highly anticipated week of Strictly.

This week I have been joined by a guest judging panel at Chez Kettlewell in the form of some of my fellow Made in Dagenham performers, from left to right Josie (Sandra), Jordan (Rita) and Steph (Cass) who kept me company last night after a production photo shoot.

Daisy & Alijaz - Quickstep

I make no secret of the fact that Quickstep is my favourite ballroom dance, coupled with a theme week and I am in Strictly heaven. Daisy was (practically) perfect as Mary Poppins and the routine was full of character with a great energy as well as excellent technique. They covered the floor well, just could improve shaping on her hand in hold a little. 

Judge Julie says - 8

Anastacia & Brendan - Viennese Waltz

Anastacia was bound to be a little cautious this week and I felt her routine was very careful, which is understandable. I love this song for a VW, last used by Kimberley and Pasha in Series 10. Both of them were on point with their outfits and make up, excellent job by the production team. The routine was a little skippy and she was clinging on a bit but it was simple and elegant and pitched at the right level.

Judge Julie says - 6

Danny & Oti - Paso Doble

There was lots of excitement from Chez Kettlewell when Danny appeared in his velvet trousers, leather strapping and a mask! Excellent Spanish lines and shaping and packed with testosterone. He was very assertive whilst executing great technique.

Judge Julie says - 9

Lesley & Anton -  Quickstep

Firstly I applaude Lesley Joseph but I do wish they would stop reminding the whole nation that she is 70, age is just a number. They have a big height difference and it came in to play during this routine but she covered the floor amazingly well after a slight faux pas near the beginning of the routine. Lots of gapping but excellent characterisation and it wasn't an easy routine.

Judge Julie says - 7

Will & Karen - Salsa

I am going to put it out there. I think Will is under marked and the judges are very harsh with him. This routine was perfect for the music and contained enough Salsa, but it clearly wasn't a Salsa song so Karen had to go with the Bollywood theme. I feel Len has it in for Will. His energy level never dropped and he matched Karen in the execution, delivering an excellent performance of a very fast paced routine. 

Judge Julie says - 8 (but would like an 8.5)

Naga & Pasha - Tango

Rocking the catsuit tonight but I felt so anxious for both her and Pasha with the obvious struggle to get out of the harness. Just drop the silly entrances, they should never jeopardise the routine. She wasn't down into her knees enough and it felt a little like she was going through the motions but I do feel the stress of the harness couldn't have helped. She needs to believe in herself a little more.

Judge Julie says - 6

Judge Rinder & Oksana - Charleston

This routine was FAST with a capital F which often made it look messy in places but he had the required swivel and perfect characterisation. A lot of fun for Movie Night week. Looking forward to seeing him doing something a little more serious now.

Judge Julie says - 7

Ore & Joanne - American Smooth

I have had Ore tipped as a contender from the start and he was on fire tonight. Very light and bright and we loved his little head wobbles, facial expressions and the working of the studio cameras.  Understated, pitched at the right level and very well executed with excellent choreo from Joanne. Oscar performance Ore!

Judge Julie says - 9

Laura & Giovanni - Salsa

This felt a little fast and furious for me and the lifts were laboured. Laura is clearly very competent but for me there is something missing. She is a quarter final contender but I am not sure I can see her going much further. 

Judge Julie says - 7

Greg & Natalie - American Smooth

My sweepstake couple and I just LOVE how much Natalie gets emotionally involved with Greg's success, clearly as proud as punch of him and not just a job for her. Lovely lifts and fantastic emotion and a great theme. For me his bottom was still a little bit stuck out but it's great to see how well he is doing as truly a non-dancer.

Judge Julie says - 8

Claudia & AJ - Charleston

This danced suited them so well and Claudia looked like she had come straight from the film set of Bugsy Malone. It was fast and frantic and a vehicle for some tricks and flicks from Claudia. Overall an excellent performance from both of them.

Judge Julie says - 9

Tameka & Gorka - Tango

 I knew this would be a hard week for Tameka and she struggled with the posture in her first ballroom dance of the series. She needed to be down in her knees more and to be up in her neck more but there was a LOT of content and she doesn't make mistakes, a solid performance with lovely Gorka in uniform! 

Judge Julie says - 7

Ed & Katya - Samba

The first Samba of the series and poor Ed was the unlucky one to get it. Notoriously difficult to execute with all its different rhythms and the required "bounce". It wasn't as good as last weeks dance but it is a harder dance style and he kept up and performed and looked like he was really enjoying himself. 

Judge Julie says - 6

Louise & Kevin - Cha Cha Cha

A CCC is often the first latin dance you would be taught at a class and whilst the basics are easy to pick up, the technique is so tough to master. Remember the fate of Pixie Lott 2 years ago, she was the victim of the CCC! I was looking forward to this all night as I love this song for a CCC and Louise was great although it wasn't her best. She needed more pressure in the floor which would have helped with her hip action but I loved her look and the end pose was awesome. A hard dance but she sold it as best she could

Judge Julie says - 8

And that was the end of a fantastic Movie Week for series 14

DRESS OF THE WEEK - Anastasia's Twilight Dress
PROP OF THE WEEK - Claudia's Custard Pie
SONG OF THE WEEK  - Flashdance : What a Feeling - Louise & Kevin's Cha Cha Cha

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